Our objective is to bring digital and connected leisures into aquatic environments such as pools, open sea and through the web. Our goal is to open ocean discovery and better understanding to the general public and internet users. AKWATYX is a project led by VirtualDive._
An IT company specialized in Research & Development of innovative solutions for virtual, augmented and distant ocean exploration. VirtualDive was supported by major national and European organisms during its R&D phase:
European Commission (FP7 project)
French National Research Institute (ANR)
BPI/Oseo (French Innovation Agency)
Three major competitive Clusters: Cap Digital, Systematic and “Pôle Mer PACA” (Maritime Technologies)
and several regional institutions
Virtual (vûr
Computer Science Created, simulated, or carried on
by means of a computer or computer network
Dive (dv)
To plunge, especially headfirst, into water
Alain DINIS discovered scuba diving and multimedia in the late 90’s while living in La Jolla, California. Ever since, he dedicated himself in developing a visionary dream: bring ocean discovery, exploration and awareness to all by using innovative technologies. First, he has founded VirtualDive to carry out intensive R&D in the framework of the Digital Ocean project.
During those years, he was able to federate innovative SMEs, research labs and an international team of highly qualified professionals that shared the same vision. Alain has 15 years of experience in managing innovative IT projects in the field of leisures and tourism. He has a Business degree in International Business Administration from the American University in Paris, a Master degree in Interactive Multimedia from the Royal College of Arts in London, a Master degree in Tourism Engineering from the Sorbonne University and a degree from the HEC Business School (Paris) in innovation management.
Alain has the opportunity to dive in some of the best destinations around the planet: Great Barrier of Reef, Sea of Cortes, Red Sea, Maldives, Bahamas…
AWKATYX was created with digital media professionals (multimedia, Virtual & Augmented Reality, web technologies…), underwater robotics and mechatronics specialists as well as innovation, marketing and project managers… and of course, ocean lovers and scuba divers!